a few quick questions

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Sep 1 18:10:56 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 16:32 +0200, Zhengguo Xu wrote:

> sorry for the ambiguity. English is not my native language. :-)

No problem at all, I think that's true for most people on the list, me
included :) I just asked in order not to give the wrong advice because I
misunderstood something.

> i have to take Foxmark Bookmarks Synchronizer as an example. you know,
> when you add some new bookmarks in PC 1 and then you may work on PC 2
> somewhere else. just simply click synchronize on Foxmark menu and your
> PC 2 will have the exact same bookmark as in PC 1. 
> My question is if there's something like that for Evolution as well.
> that is to say, when i add some new contacts and maybe some todo list
> or task etc on PC 1,  and when i use my PC 2 somewhere else, i can
> "click" "some buttons or whatever" to synchronize the settings so that
> i don't have to type the contacts and all the todo list and tasks etc
> again.

The thing is, sharing calendars and address books is something that many
people need to do, usually in big organizations. Therefore, the
available solutions tend to be full-fledged server applications, which
Evolution then accesses as a client. The result, of course, is that
setting up such server solution is not straight-forward if you have no
experience in such things.

I have no experience with this, but this is what I have found (use
Google to verify):

To share calendar entries, you can use the Google calendar with
Evolution. It seems that Ubuntu 8.04 has the required Evolution

If you don't like this option, you can use a WebDAV calendar in
Evolution, but I think these are read-only. To also be able to edit
calendar entries, you need a CalDAV server; I guess there might be
service providers who offer something like this, otherwise you have to
set it up yourself.
Here is a link to the Ubuntu wiki that gives a useful introduction to
setting up such a beast. I don't know if any other solutions exist
except using the Darwin Calender Server they talk about in the
On CalDAV: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalDAV

To share an address book, you need to have access to an LDAP server.
Again, either you have to find a service provider where you can rent an
account (then you can just add an LDAP server in the Evolution address
book), or you have to set up Open LDAP yourself. Instructions for this
are in the Ubuntu server guide:

Maybe someone with more experience in such things than me can add
further comments.

I hope this helps

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