I am so lost with this program!!!!

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Sep 1 15:11:27 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

>     First your very prone to calling anyone you don't like at the time a 
> Troll. Where you get this name I know not but it sounds like a bad thing.

It is a bad thing. Trolls are people who intentionally try to start 
problems and arguments in lists. For example, coming into an Ubuntu 
forum posing as a new user so clueless and helpless with a problem then 
making some "innocent" statement about how much Ubuntu sucks. Then they 
sit back and watch people insult each other and bitch a moan for days in 
long threads that boil down to ego stroking and territory marking.

>     As for the original message it was someone who was new to Ubuntu and 
> had somehow ruined his Windows. It sounded like he took the simple out 
> and re-loaded Windows. A Troll he was not. He just wrote one message.

It only takes one message.

I'm not saying the OP was a troll. I was giving you a definition (or 
rule of thumb for recognition)...feel free to google what an internet 
troll is.

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