Intrepid - brown desktop only!

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Oct 31 14:10:29 UTC 2008

Charlie Kravetz wrote:

> sounds like one of these...
> From the release notes at
> , 
> here is a bug in the Intel video driver for the older intel 830 and 845
> integrated video cards that are used on laptops like the IBM R30.
> Desktop effects with compiz will not work on those chips and will
> freeze the system. 

Bloody @#$% I skimmed it and it didn't register because of the IBM 
laptop part and it wasn't locking, just...well, unusable. Maybe it's 
semantics since I could use SSH (a lockup as I'm familiar with the term 
is the computer no longer responds).

Hopefully it'll be addressed in future updates.


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