convert avi files to mpeg

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Thu Oct 30 20:24:40 UTC 2008

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>        I captured a bunch of video files in kino and placed them in 
>> cinelerra. The first couple I saved as AVI. I had thought I would 
>> recapture them later as mpeg and delete the avi files but this is a good 
>> time to learn to use ffmpeg to convert avi to mpeg  I copied a couple of 
>> commands from  web sites but was unable to get ffmeg up and running.
> What does that mean?  Did you install ffmpeg?  What commands did you
> try?  All you have to do is:
> ffmpeg -i file.avi file.mpeg
> Matt Flaschen
Sorry Mathew,
       For one reason or another I had not been able to find the online 
tutorial for ffmped. I found it.  After I spend some time reading I will 
get back  if there are still some things I can't work out.    I was 
getting one of those pages that says the page I was looking for does not 
exist. It's back on line now.
                                        Thanks Doug

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