live preview on monitor: hardware or software related?

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Thu Oct 30 18:04:16 UTC 2008

Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
>> Here is what I need help on: On the pc monitor of the computer there is 
>> a 4in by 4in window in the top left hand corner. Its a live view of the 
>> billboard as it circulates though the ads. But if you move your cursor 
>> over it, its shows up on the screen.
>> My question is - to whoever might have an answer - would that be 
>> hardware or software that does that? They want that live shot but not 
>> the way it is as the computer screen is unusable - afraid something 
>> might cover up the image.
> Personally, I don't know where to start with a problem like this, but I 
> imagine that anyone who does will need a bit more information about how 
> that system works - what's providing the 4x4 window, for example?

20081030 1301 GMT-6

I didnt know until about three minutes ago. I have been posting on 
hardware forums all morning but I just got a response that said - "its a 
pixel by pixel screen capture" - though Im not sure why its capturing 
the screen in the first place.

But, luckily - thanks to Savey in this forum - knew of this software and 
emailed it to me. Very small in size. Said he hates it. Ah... someone 
who knows the pain :)

Anyway, got my answer!



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