init problem with Intrepid

en0f en0f at
Thu Oct 30 18:01:44 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:

[ .. ]

> I think you're being a little too paranoid.  You're right that it won't
> clean up pid files, and other things outside the actual GDM executable, but
> start-stop-daemon doesn't close its file handles - it'll just send SIGTERM
> and it will close its own file handles.  The _program_ will die with just

FHs were probably a bad example.. PEBKAC/Brain fart. :)

> as much grace either way, but all the other things that might be done by
> the init script won't.

Yes and so, killall(1) is \not/ advisable on gdm or for that matter any process that have hgue shared library dependencies. Use init scripts for that.


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