init problem with Intrepid

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Thu Oct 30 16:03:50 UTC 2008

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 09:07:11 -0600
Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:

> Karl Larsen wrote:
> > Nils Kassube wrote:
> >   
> >> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >>   
> >>     
> >>>     I have d/l the 173 bash file from nvidia onto Intrepid but
> >>> for some reason there is no way I can find to be clear out of
> >>> X-Windows. I tried Ctrl-Alt-F1 but the nvidia file complained
> >>> that X was still running. 
> >>>       
> >> Ctrl-Alt-F1 is only the first step necessary. Then login and type
> >> the command
> >>
> >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
> >>
> >> to stop gdm and X. Then setup your Nvidia driver with
> >>
> >> sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux*.run
> >>
> >> where you may need to replace the filename and then restart gdm:
> >>
> >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
> >>
> >>
> >> Nils
> >>
> >>   
> >>     
> >     Hi Nils, and all of you for your help. I will try the method
> > you suggest because I know how to do it :-)
> >
> >     Will report back with results. What I am trying to verify is
> > that the problem with the nvidia GeForce 6100 might be because
> > Intrepid does not let me, at least load the proper nvidia driver.
> > This will become clear in a few minutes, I hope.
> >
> > Karl
> >
> >
> >   
>     OK I'm done with Intrepid. I got the darn X to stop as Nil's
> showed me how and that worked just fine. Then I ran the NVIDIA bash
> file and it ran just as always, not finding a pre-made kernel, and
> the set to the task of making a new module for the Intrepid normal
> kernel. After a while it printed out:
> Error: Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module, the kernel is not
> proper.
> Then it stopped and it said to read the error file in /var/log/ which
> I did and it did have a big problem with the Intrepid kernel.
>     I wanted to determine if the NVIDIA package called 173 would
> work. I failed and have lost interest in Intrepid. This version has
> some major changes to it and some I really do not like. I don't want
> to use a operating system like that. I do really understand Hardy.
> Karl

Sorry you got so frustrated with Intrepid. The final release just came
out today, though, so maybe the fix is in the final release. As I
remember, you did state you didnĀ“t see any issues in trying the Release
Candidate because you did NOT THINK any changes would be made. There
have been several updates since then. On the other hand, perhaps since
Hardy 8.04 is a Long Term Release, you are better off with it.

good luck,

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []

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