Grub changes

steve sfreilly at
Wed Oct 29 23:44:40 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Karl Larsen wrote:
> steve wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>> Mario Vukelic wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 11:44 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>>     I have Intrepid up but it is not useful because it can't be used
>>>>>> yet for a nVidia computer.
>>>>> That statement is a little too broad. See release notes re nvidia:
>>>>> <
>>>>> 20video%20support>
>>>>     In the release notes it says:
>>>> The 71 and 96 series of proprietary nVidia drivers, as provided by the 
>>>> nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx packages in Ubuntu 8.04, are not 
>>>> compatible with the X.Org included in Ubuntu 8.10.
>>>>     This means the nVidia drivers that work so well in Gutsy and Hardy 
>>>> are NOT AVAILABLE in Intrepid.
>>>> Unless you know more than I do it seems my computer and thousands others 
>>>> will not be able to use Intrepid.
> I doubt that, what about backports?
> enable backports in synaptic, and try linux-backports-modules-intrepid
> anyone have experience with this?
>> I have zero experience with backports. What is it?
>> Karl

wait til someone else chimes in about backported restricted drivers ok,
I dont want to break anything of yours.  Id do it on my own box, but I
dont mind fixing things.

Then again, intrepid nvidia drivers that work may be released tomorrow
with the "released" version, we're all on RC now.  Maybe you can do
without wobbly windows until then?

- --
Steve Reilly

"Any people anywhere, being inclined, and having the power, have the
right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new
one that suits them better."   Abraham Lincoln 1848
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