Grub changes

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Oct 29 23:06:18 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 16:43 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
> The 71 and 96 series of proprietary nVidia drivers, as provided by the 
> nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx packages in Ubuntu 8.04, are not 
> compatible with the X.Org included in Ubuntu 8.10.

Which should only matter for the cards that are not supported by the
newer (and presumably better) drivers in Intrepid.

> Unless you know more than I do it seems my computer and thousands others 
> will not be able to use Intrepid.

They should be able to use the free nv driver, and in fact it should be
chosen automatically at installation time. And, according to the release
notes, upgrades from Hardy (if the computer has one of the affected
cards) are transitioned to use nv automatically.

The only thing that should be lost by this transition is 3D

It seems that this has not worked for you for some reason.

> Very sad.

Yeah, well, complain to Nvidia. That's the deal with proprietary
drivers, sooner or later the vendor wants to sell you a new card. Same
as in Windows.

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