server question

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Tue Oct 28 22:58:39 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 17:11 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> I suspect that "Anna" is simply a troll.


you might remember that I advocated that theory a year ago or so, after
Anna wrote about releasing source from an unknown origin as GPL. IIRC
everyone involved in the thread (I was, and IIRC you were, too) tried to
be as responsible as possible nevertheless and advised to get legal
counseling and talk to a legal guardian, etc.

However, if you look closely, in the posting from April that you linked
Anna mentioned being in 7th grade. A few posts ago in another subthread
of the current discussion Anna mentioned being in 8th grade. That would
be a pretty sophisticated troll, I don't believe it.

I believe we have here a young person trying to learn about free
software who has little guidance (at least) in this matter in real life
(she mentioned in earlier postings that her parents are no help, etc.)

I'd suggest we try to be alert and respectful and try to help as best we
can until there is evidence that Anna is not real -- at least those who
have the patience to make sense of her postings. <preach>Everyone here
knows that I am prone to become exasperated sometimes :) Learn from that
and drop out of the thread before it becomes too much for your </preach>


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