Partition problem

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sat Oct 25 07:49:59 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 22:42 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >     I have never tried to damage anyone, period. 
> I'm absolutely certain that's true - but you don't read questions and then
> you give advice - that you've never tested yourself - based on
> misunderstandings and THAT is damaging.
> >     You read into things what you want. 
> What I WANT is to not have to keep watching for you to give awful advice to
> people who don't know better.

FWIW, I am fully in line with Derek here, I have just given up on
correcting Karl's frequent bad advice. I don't have enough time for that
and it wrecks my mood.

But yeah, Karl, I would also appreciate if you tried all advice you give
on your own computer before giving it to others.

Karl, you once mentioned (on-list, so I figure I can repeat it) that you
suffer from some kind of attention deficit syndrome. While I don't think
that giving computer advice to other people is a good idea when
suffering from such a condition, at least it made me understand you
better and not become angry with you for your advice. And I have stopped
believing that you are a sophisticated troll. Maybe you should put the
info into the signature of your list postings.

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