Printing question - Cups ipp printer from Windows XP

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Oct 24 15:42:13 UTC 2008

On 10/24/2008 07:20 AM, Abhinav Gupta wrote:
>  On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> Linda wrote:
>> >>
>> > I just played with the fonts, some print correctly, some do not. If you
>> > export as a pdf, the pdf prints correctly. Unfortunately a lot of
>> > teachers require times new roman which is a font that does not print
>> > correctly. If anyone has an idea for a fix it would be great, otherwise
>> > I'll just have my kids convert to a pdf first as a work around if they
>> > have to use a nonworking font.
>> >                                     Thanks
>> >                                      Linda
>> >
>> Sorry I don't have a solution for your real problem.  But I just want to
>> check, you are aware that you can install the actual printer driver for
>> the printer in Windows instead of the Cups driver?  If you use Samba
>> printer sharing to Windows instead of cups, you can even install the
>> Windows drivers in Linux so Windows will automatically find and download
>> them as needed.
>> Windows IPP support is.... pathetic at best.  (compared to the printing
>> nervana that is Linux and Mac networking.)

> I am not sure what's causing the problem or how to fix it but I suggest
> making sure that Times New Roman is installed on Ubuntu. Run the following 2
> command in the terminal
> sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts
> sudo fc-cache -fv

Both very good suggestions. Regarding IPP; I've experienced no problems
with IPP via Windows to my Ubuntu system... Well other than the fact
that I found out that Vista & newer versions of XP don't like "IPP" in
the link & need "http" instead.

@Linda: This might also be of some help
Also, I spend a fair amount of time testing OOo (primarily the standard
OOo/non-Ubuntu versions), so if you'd like to directly send me a sample
of a document that is experiencing the problem I'll be happy to take a
look at it and see if I can figure out what the problem might be. Please
also include the OOo version(s), what type of printer, printer port
settings, and if the printer is set to print RAW or spool etc. I can
only test the Windows side via WinXPPro and Win2KPro.

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