Looking for Linux drivers for Dynalink adapter meant to connect old laptop to the internet.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 00:10:27 UTC 2008

Dear everybody

For the old laptop I have mentioned in recent messages, I have a
'Dynalink ISDN Adapter', the 'DYN128u+'.
It is meant to connect the USB port of the laptop with an ethernet
cable port of an ethernet modem. Are there any Linux drivers enabling
to use this adapter to connect the old laptop to the internet?!

I am looking forward to your replies....

Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M. +31.6.446.835.10
T. +31.30.785.20.40.
BasRoufs at gmail.com

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