Web Commerce

Rick Knight rick_knight at rlknight.com
Wed Oct 22 20:37:03 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:
> I have been looking at using oscommerce to start up a web site selling
> fine art. I know there are a bunch of other choices.
> http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads
> Is this a good choice with Ubuntu or is there a better one? I am just
> starting this so I am not an expert sysop or anything like that. I am
> looking for something easy to use, safe and open of course. It is a
> small operation on a home server for now. The less I have to do the
> better.
> I like postgreSQL but can live with the other.
> Thanks!
I've been using OSCommerce for about 5 years. It has always served me 
well. I run my live web site on Slackware 12 with MySQL5, PHP5 and 
Apache2. I run my "sandbox" on Kubuntu 8.04 also with MySQL5, PHP5 and 
Apache2. OSC runs well on both distros. There are a couple of other 
related projects, CRE Loaded which is based on OSCommerce and ZENCart 
which I beleive is also based on eary OSC code and is being developed by 
OSC's founders. The OSC community is very active, with lots of code 
contributions and plenty of support. Go to http://formus.oscommerce.com 
and have a look around even post some questions.

Good Luck,

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