SOLVED Re: Still trying to get to 1680x1050 WAS: Upgrade to 8.04 stuck in 800x600

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Oct 22 17:55:32 UTC 2008

Albert Charron wrote:

> Just for your information, Gulus is an official Ubuntu mirror. You can
> even select it from the server list in the package manager (at least in
> Gutsy, Feisty and Hardy... I don't remember for Dapper but I think so).

Well that would explain why the updater used it.

> It's the server I always used for Ubuntu (and I used it too while on
> Fedora and Mandriva before). Their mirrors are pretty fast and reliable,
> in fact, it's WAY faster than

It _was_ (back around Dapper).  That was the problem -
I used, and half the time I'd get no response at all.


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