Running Ubuntu or Xubuntu with 550 Mhz and 186 MB RAM?

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Oct 21 15:59:05 UTC 2008

On 10/21/2008 04:21 AM, Bas Roufs wrote:
> Dear Everybody
>> Re: Running Ubuntu or Xubuntu with 550 Mhz and 186 MB RAM?
> Thanks for all the input so far in this thread at both the Ubuntu and 
> Xubuntu user forums.
>> ... I have a 350Mhz 128MB Clevo (Lap-Note) with both standard Ubuntu (Gnome) and xubutu installed. It is primarily only used as a print server for my USB printer, but it does work...
> This sounds really interesting.... How did you install this software, 
> NoOp? Via a 'minimal CD image' (see below)? Or in some other way? How 
> much Hard Disk space do you use for the system files on your 'Clevo Lap 
> Note'?

I _always_ use the alternate CD's to install - the liveCD's simply won't
work on a machine with that limited amount of memory. Standard Ubuntu
installs just fine; afterwards I just went through and ripped out some
disk wasting programs that weren't useful on a machine that slow.
Installing Xubuntu worked better out of the box as it already trims much
of the fat included in standard Ubuntu.

Originally the machine had a 4.7G hard drive & I could just barely
squeeze Ubuntu on it (meaning that I could install but then had less
than 1G of free space. Xubuntu left considerably more, but I can't
recall how much more. I eventually ripped out a 20G hard drive from a
fried Dell laptop (it was free) - remounted in the Clevo and that gave
me sufficient hard drive space to expand the swap and actually do
something useful with it. It works great as a print server; I have a USB
printer & got tired of having to always having to turn on my main
machine just so my son could print from his wireless...

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