Xorg.conf vs. Xorg.config With BFG Nvidia G71 [GeForce 7300GS] & Hardy 64 Bit
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 21 02:26:42 UTC 2008
--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Dave Woyciesjes <woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> From: Dave Woyciesjes <woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: Re: Xorg.conf vs. Xorg.config With BFG Nvidia G71 [GeForce 7300GS] & Hardy 64 Bit
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:00 PM
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- On Mon, 10/20/08, Dave Woyciesjes
> <woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >> Okay. Here's the quick n dirty. I let the
> install
> >> use the default it
> >> wanted. Then I let the Hardware Drivers install
> whatever
> >> proprietary
> >> driver it thought was best. Then I used
> nvidia-settings to
> >> set it up.
> >> The setup did not seem to persist through reboots,
> so I
> >> ended up editing
> >> the menu item for nvidia-settings, added
> "gksudo"
> >> before the
> >> nvidia-settings command. Once I got it tweaked the
> way I
> >> liked, I hit
> >> the Save To X Configuration file, and chose to not
> merge. I
> >> assume it
> >> did a complete replace. To get the advanced
> effects, I then
> >> had to
> >> install compizconfig-settings-manager.
> >>
> > So far, I'm with you except for having
> compizconfig-setings installed. It is now installed. I know
> see it one matter to activate compiz and totally another to
> configure it. Your post will help on this. Thanks.
> >
> Yeah, not sure why it isn't included by default
> nowadays, or
> automagically installed when you turn on the advanced
> settings...
> >> That was all, no editing of xorg.conf from the
> >> terminal. I just
> >> looked, and I only have xorg.conf, no xorg.config.
> >>
> > Well, I have manually edited xorg.conf several times
> some with succuess, some not. I guess I'm the only Ubutu
> Hardy user with xorg.confif file in my /etc/X11. I still
> wonder why I can run with xorg.conf deleted and X still
> works but no one has commented.
> >
> Have you tried adding gksudo to the nvidia-settings, and
> using that to
> configure? Once you get it the way you like, have it write
> to the
> xorg.conf file, and have a look. I have yet to edit it by
> hand.
> As for xorg.config, rename it out of the wya and see what
> happens?
Yes, I've used both sudo and gksudo for nvidia-settings. After mving xorg.conf and xorg.config and rebooting, I get these errors when now running nvidia-settings:
You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.
And, the nvidia-settings panel is now blank. The previous settings are gone. It seems to me that Hardy's X system setup is very buggy.
Aptitude show nvidia-glx-new-envy says it's still installed but aptitude search doesn't find the nvidia-kernel-172.*.* which I just reinstalled for the umteenth time. Nvidia-xconfig is incompatible with nvidia-glx-new-envy driver and nvidia-kernel-172.*.* or so aptitude show says. Strange as it seems, I appear to still have the native 1680x1050 res, but I'm getting tired of this buggy X system setup(nvidia's) and am going to move back what I had before.
> >> Now, currently I had to switch back to my
> nVidia Quadro
> >> NVS 400 (
> >> the powersupply couldn't keep up with the
> BFG), which
> >> is using nvidia in
> >> the xorg.conf file (nvidia-glx).
> >>
> > Thanks to a new relatively upscale machine, I
> don't have that problem. Running 65C well below max.
> BTW, I couldn't get my card to work with nvidia-glx or
> nvidia-glx-new.
> Mayeb try removing both, reboot, and just take whatever
> the
> restrictedd/propreitary driver manager chooses?
Did that above and it appears it didn't install the restricted/proprietary driver at all.
> >> Let me know how you make out....
> >>
> >
> > well, I think I'm running at 1680x1050 native
> resolution but not sure how to verify that. I still have
> "nvidia" driver in xorg.conf and
> "nvidia-glx-new-envy in xorg.conf and if I remove
> xorg.conf I can't tell the difference in resolution.
> Wish I knew what I'm doing or better, what Hardy is
> doing.
> Don't know the details, but from what I gather reading
> here, X now
> dynamically detects hardware. IIRC, someone mentioned that
> xorg.conf
> isn't really needed anymore...
> > Dave, thanks for the details I needed. Much
> appreciated.
> >
> No problemo. Just for giggles, try it the way I did, and
> see what it
> gives you. Then compare that to your hand-edited
> xorg.conf...
As mentioned above, it's no longer giggles for me, so going back to what I had using the proprietary driver. FWIW, lsmod now doesn't have nvidia or nv in it now but did.
I repeat, BUGGY, BUGGY. Thanks for your input, I did learn something new but still don't understand what is going on underneath.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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