Novice (aka beginner) Ubuntu user

ac "aec$news" at
Sat Oct 18 10:01:46 UTC 2008

Gerald Comeau wrote:
> Colleagues,  I'm trying to break away from Windows, well at least for 80% of
> my work, but Ubuntu has me puzzled.  I'm trying to run from a 7.04 CD and
> consistently receive the following message.  Thinking it might be the
> release I downloaded and burnt 8.014, same message.  Finally, I installed on
> a separate hard drive and selected it as my boot device, Ubuntu cycled up
> but I can not see any network connection option beyond dial up.  Thoughts,
> reference a manual page I may have missed?
> BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash)
> Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands
> (initramfs)_

Although your issues might be completely unrelated to possible cd 
errors, it is strongly advised to check the CD for errors, at least 
initially until you are up and running. There are several stages which 
can possibly be subject to problems - the downloaded file itself, the 
burn process, and the read process in the use target machine.

A quick way to confirm all is well is to use the CD option after boot 
up  choice
'check this CD for errors'
this will obviously include checking if the target a machine can read 
even a perfect CD for your intended activity, which is important.

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