Pandora Music

Arthur H. Johnson II arthur.johnson at
Sat Oct 18 05:05:19 UTC 2008

On Fri, 17 Oct 2008, Kim Briggs wrote:

> On 10/17/08, Chris <racerx at> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>>  Can someone please suggest a utility to rip streams from Pandora?
> Hi Chris,
> Doesn't Pandora use it's own proprietary player?  I mean, I don't see
> my browser starting any helper programs.  It acts like the FLash-based
> player at Wolfgang's Vault:
> If that is the case, no.

No, its not possible, besides the audio quality is horrible on the MP3's 
that you get.  You used to be able to rip them under Windows with 
Pandora's Jar, but the last time I checked (almost 18 months ago) the Jar 
was not working with Flash 9.

Ripping under Linux, thou, not possible.  You can rip with streamripper 
and lastfmproxy, but you wind up polluting your account doing 
that.  I recommend doing that on a dummy account.

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