[Media] 8.04 Servers - Wikipedia

steve sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Sat Oct 18 00:49:46 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Res wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Oct 2008, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> It was a general question, as you said flatly that there is 5 years
>> support at least for THE DISTRO, not for its server packages.
>> I gave an upstream-unsupported apache version as another, but that would
>> endanger your opinion and so you ignore it.
> I think you better leave the drugs alone, they have mangled enough of 
> your brain cells... and there is no distinction between 
> desktop/server, you either include the X stuff at install time or you 
> dont, and each release gets updates for 5 years, now if you cant 
> understand that, go find a 5 yo kid and ask him/her to read it and then 
> explain it to you.
>>> Oh wikipedia doesnt have it, oh my, i forgot they are the authortitive
>>> source of everything  *snickers*, the proof is the eating of the
>>> pudding.try away, try hard.
>> Dude, slackware.com makes the info about support not easy to find, as I
>> wrote. My oh my you are so insecure, it's sad.
> ah so you are one of these weenors who needs everything spelled out like 
> "a,b,c" so you are a newbie, and a lame newbie at that, i know winblows 
> users with more deduction powers then you. and as for slackware.com 
> *shrug* not read it in a long time, no need to, as I know what I'm doing, 
> like most others who use it. I have better things to do then sit no the 
> net for every awakening hour like you do, now , you got plenty of time for 
> that 5yo to explain things to you coz i'm off to the coast for the 
> weekend.

I accidently clicked this email... havent read it since probably the
first post.

Is this what this list is coming to??  When did personal insults become
ok?  Maybe its time to read the code of conduct again!  and then while
your at it, take this topic off the list or to sounder at minimum!  It
most certainly does not belong here.  Lets hope all the new people to
ubuntu checking out intrepid arent reading this nonsense.

- --
Steve Reilly


"Any people anywhere, being inclined, and having the power, have the
right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new
one that suits them better."   Abraham Lincoln 1848
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