JFS in Ubuntu
Steven Davies-Morris
sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Fri Oct 17 19:02:31 UTC 2008
Mark Haney wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> On the Ubuntu Unlashed blog, it has been suggested that users use
>> the jfs filesystem a opposed to ext3:
>> http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/10/upgrade-from-hardy-heron-to-ubuntu.html
>> Is this bad avice? Any gotchas?
> Well, just because it's offered as advice, doesn't mean you have to
> take it. JFS is a good filesystem. I use it in various
> capacities. I /used/ to use reiserfs in those cases, but with the
> whole problem with Hans, I've dropped it like it was on fire.
> I personally like ext3, but I've been really digging ext4. Even
> experimentally it's just as good as any other filesystem of those
> types.
> But back to the topic. JFS is a good filesystem. Use it if you
> want. I don't see it as good advice or bad advice. Just advice.
> The performance of the filesystem really depends on your hardware
> specs, so YMMV.
> Personally, unless you're dealing with HUGE filesystems
> (multi-terabytes), ext3 is just as good as any of them.
I've thought about ditching resierfs since Hans' "legal issues". But
v3 of resierfs just runs so well that it's hard to give it up. Having
said that, I am planning on looking at ext4. And jfs is rock solid as
a journaling file system too, which is probably what Dotan wants to
know if he's thinking about moving away from ext3.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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