Question for kernel expert

Mark Haney mhaney at
Fri Oct 17 18:42:07 UTC 2008

Mike Adolf wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Mike Adolf wrote:
>>> Frans,
>>> If a .ko file is present does that mean it is installed in the kernel? 
>> No.  If it's in /lib/modules/ it's a module.  It will need to be loaded 
>> using modprobe or autoloaded on boot.
>>> If I do a lsmod I see an entry for cx88xx but not cx88-dvb.
>> Have you tried 'modprobe cx88-dvb'?  What output (if any) do you get? If 
>> none, what does lsmod show after you tried to load it?
>>   If it is
>>> there, I guess I'm just out of luck. tvtime gives the error "videoinput: 
>>> Can't get tuner info: Invalid argument" and kdetv starts off with the 
>>> error "ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL" and 
>>> is followed by nothing but errors. Maybe I'll try the live CD.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike
> modprobe cx88-dvb gives the error
> FATAL: Error inserting cx88_dvb 
> (/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/kernel/drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.ko): 
> No such device
> Don't understand. The file cx88-dvb.ko is where it is supposed to be and 
> linux sees the card.

As I've not ever used that card, I don't know for certain. But it looks 
to me like the module itself isn't for that device.  Maybe a chipset 
difference or something.  The bottom line is that module won't work with 
that card.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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