A suggestion: Why not set Sun's JDK as the default one?

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Oct 16 16:03:27 UTC 2008

yueyu lin wrote:

> As far as I experienced, Sun's JDK is the best of all. The GCJ has a lot
> of problems and can't support a lot of applications,such as
> eclipse,netbeans,jedit,etc. Most of the time, GCJ is two or three times
> slower than Sun's JDK. I feel very uncomfortable to always use "sudo
> updatealternatives --config java" for every big update. Now even JDK's
> source codes are open-sourced, I really can't find any clues that the
> Sun's JDK can't be the default. 

It can, but because of licensing it couldn't when Hardy was released. 

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