warning: privacy violation installing Firefox Addons (WAS: Re: Downlaoding videos from Hulu?)

Brian McKee brian.mckee at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 00:08:55 UTC 2008

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Sven <aluoor at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/12/2008 08:45 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
>> There is a firefox plugin called 'Video Downloader' that (I think)
>> supports Hulu.  I'm not on a system that has it installed, so I can't
>> verify that.
> By downloading the Firefox Addon "Video Downloader" you are forced to
> register. For creating a profile Mozilla ask you:
> - Email address
> - First name
> - Last name
> - Nickname
> - Website URL
> Sadly no login and password combination from Bugmenot.com[0] works. Can
> someone please send me this plugin?


I think if their terms of service offend you (and I can certainly
understand why you aren't willing to share that info) the proper thing
to do is avoid their products, not attempt to circumvent their system.

There are quite a few video downloading options - I think you'd get
farther asking the list for one that does what you want without the
disliked parts.


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