want to get a printout of current keyboard map

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 19:38:56 UTC 2008

Florian Diesch wrote:
> "H.S." <hs.samix at gmail.com> wrote:

>> I have tried to use xkbprint to print out a ps file. However, it works
>> only for US layout and not for other languages. I think this is due to
>> the inherent limitation of either xkbprint or ghostscript or both at
>> dealing with unicode characters. For other international languges, I
>> only shows their unicode equivalents on the keys and not the
>> corresponding characters.
> Which languages don't work for you? Do you have fonts for that
> language installed?

I tried with French keyboard and with Indic languages. The fonts are
installed. I can type perfectly with the corresponding keyboard layout.

>> And can be easily seen, this is very frustrating. (Not to mention
>> the red face I get when I admit that it appears such a mundane thing
>> couldn't be done.)
>> Anybody have any idea who to go about doing this? KDE, Gnome, command
>> line, doesn't matter as long I can get the printout.
> For me the printing function of gnome-keyboard-properties works fine.

Interesting. I tried it and it works. But only for settings in the gnome
tool, obviously.

I am looking to print the layouts which are selected by scim by the
user. Scim comes with some additional layouts which are not in the gnome
keyboard layout tool. So, any similar method to print out scim layouts?



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