boot problum

John Hubbard ender8282 at
Mon Oct 13 17:21:19 UTC 2008

philip anglin wrote:
> Hello I could use some help *P*lease !
> I have read for hours on different forms and tryed several different 
> ways to in stall free spire or ubuntu on my pc i keep getting error 
> 219 @ 90% or 515 @ 0% <mailto:515 at 0%>. will not load i can run live 
> from cd thow.
> My system is msi diamond plus 939 pin ,amd 64 fx 55  cpu, 3gig pc 3200 
> ram,  6 Hard drives = 2 wd 500,s raid 0 ,2 wd 250,s raid 0,and 2 wd 
> 250,s non raid.
> I am running windows xp pro, vista Ultimate /32, vista Ultimate /64 on 
> the 2 wd 500,s raid 0 , and 32, vista Ultimate on one partition of 2 
> wd 250,s raid 0 the two single drives are empty.
> when i try to install on raid i get error 515 @ 0% when i try 
> installing on single drive it stops @ 90 % error 219.
> i have tryed formatting drive i have tryed preparation the drive . so 
> far nothing helps .
> thank you for your time and help
> Player
The first obvious question is: is your cd OK?  It would also help to 
know, 1)What version of ubuntu are you installing? 2) What installer are 
you using (i.e. desktop or alternate)?  3)What kind of raid are you 
using (i.e. hardware raid with dmraid)?


To be or not to be, that is the question
                2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
        0b11000100 || !0b11000100
        0b11000100 || 0b00111011
        255, that is the answer.

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