Release and renew IP

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Oct 13 00:43:12 UTC 2008

On 10/12/2008 05:03 PM, Pat Brown wrote:
> How do I release and/or renew an IP address in a command line?

I _think_ typically

sudo dhcpclient -r
sudo dhcpclient

will initiate a new lease. However if that doesn't you may have to:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

as well.

Note: I'd give at least 10 sec between 'sudo dhcpclient -r' and 'sudo
dhcpclient' to give your router time to notice the change. Your router
may react faster, but a 10 sec window generally will accomodate even the
slowest of routers/dhcp servers.

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