want to get a printout of current keyboard map

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 22:36:55 UTC 2008


This has baffled me for many months now. I want to save the keyboard map
of the current layout so that I can print it out. The purpose is to
display these maps nears a couple of computers where people are learning
to use Linux in their own languages.

I have tried to use xkbprint to print out a ps file. However, it works
only for US layout and not for other languages. I think this is due to
the inherent limitation of either xkbprint or ghostscript or both at
dealing with unicode characters. For other international languges, I
only shows their unicode equivalents on the keys and not the
corresponding characters.

And can be easily seen, this is very frustrating. (Not to mention the
red face I get when I admit that it appears such a mundane thing
couldn't be done.)

Anybody have any idea who to go about doing this? KDE, Gnome, command
line, doesn't matter as long I can get the printout.



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