choppy sound when email arrives

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sat Oct 11 13:47:18 UTC 2008

Amit Joshi wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 1:35 AM, Wade Smart <wadesmart at 
> <mailto:wadesmart at>> wrote:
>     20081010 1503 GMT-6
>     I have been listening to online conferences today and when ever a email
>     comes in it gets super choppy - to the point of not understanding a
>     thing.
>     As anyone noticed that on their system?
>     wade
> Whats your system configuration? Are you using an Email Client? If yes, 
> which one? Which version? Do you listen to online conferences in your 
> web browser or you use some software to listen to an audio stream?
> -- 
> Regards,
> Amit Joshi

20081011 0845 GMT-6

Web browser.

I think its an opera problem. I tried firefox and it was much smoother 
but when an email came in it did slow up a bit.


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