Monitor NAT network connections

Jorge Armando Medina jmedina at
Fri Oct 10 20:55:56 UTC 2008

On Friday 10 October 2008 14:16:51 Rashkae wrote:
> I used to use a perl script called conntrack-viewer that generated very
> nice reports showing me all the NAT connections.. (Ie, I could see which
> computers in my network were making what connections to the Internet).
> Alas, this was designed for kernel 2.4, and doesn't seem to work with
> Ubuntu Hardy 2.6 kernels.
> Can anyone suggest an alternative program to do the same thing? thanks

You can use iptstate  - Top-like state for netfilter/iptables it is on the repos

or you can also use iftop, similar but with bw monitoring.


Jorge Armando Medina
Computación Gráfica de México
Tel: 55 51 40 72
email: jmedina at
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