Python Pinyin Searcher

Jianjun Kong kongjianjun at
Fri Oct 10 14:29:26 UTC 2008

I write a Python programme, it's a tool for search the Pinyin of Chinese words that is input or pasted by user.
Welcome any suggestion or question ;)
(image at:

Python Pinyin Searcher

1. Information
	Name: Python Pinyin Searcher (pysearcher)
	Author: Jianjun Kong(Xiyou Linux Group)
	Description: This is a tool developed with Python for search the Pinyin of Chinese,which is input or pasted  by user.
	Licence:  GPLv2
	 Anticipated  User: Foreigner who is learning Chinese
2. Environment
	GNU/Linux, Windows and other operating system which is support Python	Python2.5, wxPython GUI Pocket

3.  Introduction
	1) Parts:
	Display panel, Input panel, Five buttons(Clear, Paste, Search, Record, Quit), Others

(image at:

	At first, the Display panel shows”Display The Result Of Search Here...”,Input panel shows”Input or Paste Chinese Words...“, and the message is selected.

	Introduction of the five button:
		Clear: Clear the content of Input panel
		Paste: Paste Chinese in the memory into Input panel
		Search: Process the content of Input panel and output the result to Display panel
		Record: Record the content of Display panel into record_pinyin.txt
		Quit: Quit the program

(image at:

	Introduce of result:
		“都”can  be read as: dou1 /du1
		Chinese words ”都“ can be read as “dou”(1st tone) and “du”(1st )
		Multi-sound characters split with '/'
		Chinese words is blue, Pinyin is  red, and  intonation is green

		The number behind the Pinyin:
			1 :  1st tone
			2 : 2nd tone
			3 : 3rd tone
			4 :  4th tone 
			5 : soft tone

		Use Paste button, paste Chinese in the memory into Input panel

(image at:

		Right client the windows except the text panel, you can look the information

4. Run
	1) Download the files which include two file( and pinyin.txt)
	2) Add the permission to run this file
		$ chmod +x
	3) Install and configure Python、wxPython GUI environment
	4) Run the program in the command line
		$ python

5. Others
		1)  Simply Pronunciation
		2)  Display the result when  words are selected in all the windows
	Welcome your suggestion!
	Email: kongjianjun at

Jianjun Kong | Happy Hacking
Gtalk: kongjianjun at

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