Install to USB without rebooting?

Neil hok.krat at
Fri Oct 10 10:20:45 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Cybe R. Wizard
<cybe_r_wizard at> wrote:
> NoOp <glgxg at>  said:
>> So then perhaps you are wishing to install from the ISO instead?
>> Perhaps these forum posts will help:
> Although pretty old I'm sure these instructions will work well.  I
> might try it this weekend if it rains my outdoor activities out.
> (Hoary Hedgehog?  that's positively ancient!)
> But all these various instructions involve a reboot to access the
> installation process, no?  Why can't I, say, open a terminal and
> install (whether from CD, USB or .iso) to an unused drive or partition/
> partitions on my box without having to stop using my running system?
> Please understand that you shouldn't use up a lot of your time on
> this, it is mainly intellectually exercising for me, not a necessity at
> all.  I'm just playing!

For some people ( not neccisary excluding me) intellectually
exercising is quite a necessity :D


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