Sun Java installation issues

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Oct 9 19:09:47 UTC 2008

On 10/09/2008 03:23 AM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 13:29 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> >> update-java-alternatives
>> > 
>> > No. That won't fix 'java -version' and /etc/alternatives. That's why I
>> > use galternatives to modify.
>> It's what I've always used.  It _has_ to set up /etc/alternatives
> /etc/alternatives is the product of a diseased mind.
> 1) download self-extracting file from Sun
> 2) extract in /usr/lib (or wherever you think appropriate)
> 3) create symlink e.g. java -> jdk1.6.0_10/
> 4) create in /etc/profile.d containing:
> export PATH=/usr/lib/java/bin:$PATH

Thanks. #4 was the part that I had forgotten & always seem to forget...
that's why I generally just end up using galternatives.

> Having said all that, it ought to be way easier for the average person
> to upgrade Java on a Linux box...

Fully agree there. One day I'll have to go through the scripts for the
Sun java packages installed via Ubuntu and see if I can figure out how
to simplify using from the Sun downloads... perhaps similar to howt the
nonfree flash package downloads and installs flash.

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