"Screen Resolution" setting - how is it supposed to work? is there any help?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Wed Oct 8 15:18:43 UTC 2008

Chris G wrote:

>>> Thirdly where's the Help?  When I click on Help I get nothing.
>> Um...sorry, don't know that one.
> :-)   If there had been some help I probably wouldn't have had to ask
> any questions here.

For some reason the thought struck me as amusing to find someone asking 
for help on using help.

Not poking fun at you or anything like that, please don't take it the 
wrong way. Just the thought of someone asking for help about using help 
just was something that struck me as funny in a twisted way, like a 
dirty trick a programmer would pull to get revenge on his users.

Excuse me, I'm needed back in the dungeon lab...come, Igor...


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