Sound blues are back.

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at
Wed Oct 8 05:27:34 UTC 2008

Jim Smith wrote:
> Anthony M. Rasat wrote:
>>> The Gnome fanfare plays when Gnome starts up but >there is no 
>>> other sound. At one >point before changing kernels, I could
>>>> get sound by hovering the >pointer over a music file.
>> Do you w32codecs packages installed?
> I do but the only audio files I have on board here are Ogg Vorbis. 
> They should always work. I just did a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" 
> which put the latest kernel, modules etc on and results are 
> unfortunately the same, no sound except for the drum rattle at the 
> login screen and the fanfare when Gnome starts up. I am too tired 
> for further work here so I'm shutting this laptop down and going to
>  bed, see all tomorrow and many thanks.
> Jim

I've reverted to OSS on Intrepid since none of the other options are
working for me. I'm running the Beta 1 with patches (AMD64 release). I
was running Pulse audio until I made the upgrade from hardy to
Intrepid Alpha 6.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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