Intrepid, EeePc 1000, how to disable tapping on touchpad?

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz at
Tue Oct 7 14:57:51 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Anthony M. Rasat
<anthony.rasat at> wrote:
>>I looked on xorg.conf but I found >no line regarding Synpatics or
> Touchpad can be configured using gsynaptics.
> apt-cache search gsynaptics

I have installed gsynaptics successfully BUT I keep getting the
message "SHMConfig must be set _true_ on xorg.conf". I set it to
"True" but still get same message.

I know this must be something trivial so I'll keep googling for sample

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

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