Newbie question...

Roy Smith rasmith1959 at
Tue Oct 7 12:06:21 UTC 2008

On Tue, 7 Oct 2008 07:55:00 +0200, you wrote:

>Roy Smith wrote:
>> Hi!  I'm new to Ubuntu and right now I'm just trying out the live CD.
>> It's nice but there's one problem I'm having.  I'm using a HP Compaq
>> nx6325 laptop and it has a Broadcom 802.11 a/b/g wireless network card
>> in it.  The problem is that Ubuntu reports that the driver firmware is
>> proprietary so the driver isn't set up for my WiFi card.
>> So am I correct in assuming that since I'm using a live CD that I will
>> not be able to take the steps necessary to set up the driver for that
>> card?
>I think it should be possible to do the setup. But as everything only runs 
>in memory, it will be lost if you reboot. But I can't really help you 
>with the installation of the firmware. Maybe you can find some hints at 
>one of these pages:

Yeah, that's just what I had gathered.  I have the files needed to set
up the b43 driver, but when it gets finished it said that a restart is
required.  So then if you did that, you wind up back at square one,

Roy Smith

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