What happened to firefox

Chris Rees utisoft at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 6 10:20:12 UTC 2008

Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 09:55:48 +0200
Alain Muls <alain.muls at telenet.be> wrote:

> Hi Ubuntu users,
> Since yesterday my firefox always starts from scratch. What I mean is that if I
> start up firefox, I have to walk through the extensions I installed (eg.
> weather, down-them-all, addblock, ...) and the downloaded themes can be
> selected but never get active.
> Everything was running fine until the day before yesterday, so what has
> changed.
> Can I reinstall the previous version and how do I do that? I read about dpkg
> pinning, but I do not know how to get back to the previous version.
> Tx/Alain

Your problem is likely the permissions on ~/.mozilla.

You need to run:

$ sudo chown -R [your username here] ~/.mozilla

$ sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~/.mozilla

Yes, that is a capital X.

Good luck


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