installation failure

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Sun Oct 5 08:54:46 UTC 2008

ton.groenestein wrote:

> All the items tested, results all negative for the SATA drive
> I installed an IDE hdd and disabled the SATA drive: Installation recognized the 
> IDE drive
> Next I enabled the SATA drive: Installation recognized the IDE drive BUT not the 
> SATA drive
> Very clear the problem is the caused by the SATA drive

Not exactly, it is caused by the ICH10 chipset, which Hardy imho does 
not support SATAwise, at least acording to some forum posts (I just 
googled and found some hints, that Hardy does not work with SATA on this 
board, but they are german)

> How can we solve the problem?

Install Intreped.
> The following:
> Is it possible to install Ubuntu on the IDE, then look for a SATA driver for 
> linux, install under ubuntu so the SATA drive will be recognized. Then 
> re-installation on the SATA drive and remove the hardware IDE drive

Not that I know of.

Again, Inteprid should have no problems with SATA on your motherboard.


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