Networking : how to bridge two NICs to share internet access

Karl Auer kauer at
Sun Oct 5 04:40:04 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-10-04 at 10:48 +0530, Shashank Goel wrote:
> i have two desktops one on the first floor which is the main one and
> other on the groundfloor.I want to connect internet to the desktop in
> the groundfloor with the least possible means.Please help me its
> really urgent.

Do BOTH machines have to be connected at the same time? If not, just
carry the ground floor one up to the first floor and move the Internet
connection to it.

The following assumes that the first floor machine connects to the
Internet via an ethernet cable into a router.

If you can't move the ground floor machine for some reason, get a longer
cable and run the Internet connection down from the first floor. Out the
window if necessary. I know it sounds silly, but you said it was urgent,
and that really is the simplest and most reliable solution.

If you need BOTH machines on the Internet at once, and assuming that the
first floor machine connects to the Internet via an ethernet cable into
a router or switch, then run a second ethernet cable from another port
on the router or switch down to the first floor. Again, out the window
if necessary :-)

If the router or switch has no free ports, unplug the first floor
machine from the router or switch, connect a small ethernet switch in
its place, and plug both the first floor machine and the cable going
down to the ground floor machine into the switch.

If the first floor machine is connected to the Internet some other way,
we need more information to be able to help. In general though, you will
need more equipment and will need to install it on one or both machines
(things like access points and wireless cards).

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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