Which VirtualBox howto is best?
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 5 00:51:00 UTC 2008
On 10/04/2008 04:55 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> Which VirtualBox HowTos have people used successfully?
> I'm having trouble understanding what's going on with VirtualBox
> networking, and the various HowTos out there sometimes don't make sense.
> That doesn't mean they are wrong.
> This one, for example:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox
> ... is great, right down to the heading "Edit One System File On The
> Host Machine". From that point on, I don't understand what they are on
> about :-) Can anyone explain what the taps and tuns are *for*?
> [And why VirtualBox needs all this and VMWare "just works"?]
> Regards, K.
Do you wish to use bridging, or just use a NAT interface?
If the latter, then just install & VirtualBox will do all of the work
for you. If you need to use bridging, The the best "howto" is here:
[6 Virtual networking and 6.5 Introduction to Host Interface Networking
(HIF) and 6.8 Host Interface Networking and bridging on Linux hosts and Debian and Ubuntu hosts]
Read those and if you still have problems, post back.
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