Up to date LIVE CD ?

Philippe Didier pdidier at neptuneconcept.com
Fri Oct 3 03:26:08 UTC 2008

Ni Nils,
> 8.04.1 does have ACPI and network support. Maybe it doesn't work with your 
> hardware but you didn't mention what problems you have. But then you 
> won't have much luck with 8.04.2 either because it will not bring new 
> features. The difference between 8.04 and 8.04.* is that the latter have 
> the updates of existing packages on the CD/DVD which were available at 
> the time of the release. 
I was hoping that some changes here should help ...
> However, there is some hope that the upcoming Ubuntu version 8.10 
> (Intrepid Ibex) has better support for your hardware. That version is due 
> on October, 30th. If you are adventurous, the beta release is due today.
I will try Ibex again, but the last attempt alpha5 was not good, as I 
had a black screen and no X login possible but I did not investigate 
more. Sure I will try the beta, but I need a stable up to date release 
to test some new version of OpenERP system. Hardy is I think the best 

I  manage to boot at least the Hardy Live CD with acpi=off noapic 
pnpbios=off irqpoll ! I had network working, so i can update and 
investigate now.

Thanks Nils for your answer.


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