Disappearing Sound

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 2 19:12:16 UTC 2008

On 10/02/2008 07:10 AM, Wade Smart wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> Is there any particular application that you use where it is repeatable
>>> every time? You might try going through each of your apps that use sound
>>> (rhythmbox for instance) and see if you can get a repeater. The
>>> application may not be the actual problem, but it may lead you to
>>> something that the app uses that is the problem. I assume that after the
>>> sound dies you've tried alsamixer from the terminal to see if anything
>>> got muted (pcm etc).
>> 20080930 1852 GMT-6
>> I have not noticed it with other apps but, where I do notice it is when 
>> using flash or mplayer of vlc when Im watching movies. I do not know 
>> after watching a video if I have lost sound until I play the next one. 
>> That is why its frustrating. I mostly notice it when Im playing flash 
>> videos.
>> Wade
> 20081002 0909 GMT-6
> Im watching the BBC and I have just lost sound. I watched one video and 
> then on the next nothing. I just listened to this one on my XP laptop to 
> ensure that they is in fact audio.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7648284.stm
> Wade

Ah! There's your problem right there... you are watching the wrong kind
of *football* videos :-) Try this one instead:

[Oakland Raiders Owner Al Davis News Conference - firing Lane Kiffin]

OK, I tested your vido and then the Raiders video immediately after in
another tab on SeaMonkey 1.1.12 w/no problems at all. Flash is direct
installed Adobe Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124 (not the Ubuntu
“flashplugin-nonfree” version).

I then tried the same in FireFox, first the BBC and then the
Raiders - I played the BBC all the way through but only a few minutes of
the 29 minute 27 second Raiders video: no problems.
  I even tried (and succeeded) playing the Raider video in SeaMonkey &
the BBC video in Fx3 at the same time: both played w/sound from both.
They tried the same in Fx3 (playing BBC in one tab, Raiders in another
tab), both worked. That was interesting... both press vidos about lies
playing at the same time.

After you lost sound did you try 'alsamixer' from the terminal to check
your PCM settings? What version of Flash, it is the Ubuntu
flashplugin-nonfree version?

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