Install and Configure HUAWEI E220 3G Broadband Modem (USB)

Sameera Shaakunthala shaakunthala at
Wed Oct 1 19:38:28 UTC 2008


I am using a HUAWEI E220 USB modem to connect to the Internet. I don't know
how to install and configure it. I tried sudo pppconfig but it doesn't work.

 And also, there are the following issues,
1. If I connect the device to the computer and then boot, there are six
ttyUSB devices visible in /dev

2. If I connect the device while Ubuntu is running, only /dev/ttyUSB0 and
/dev/ttyUSB1 are visible.

I do not know which one to use.

If anybody can help me, please reply.

Thank you.

.: සමීර ශාකුන්තල :.
..:Sameera Shaakunthala:..
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