running mplayer instead of totem

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Oct 1 02:03:57 UTC 2008

On 09/30/2008 06:38 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 18:17 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>> On 09/30/2008 06:04 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
>> > How do I get mplayer to be started when I insert a DVD?
>> In Nautilus: Edit|Preferences|Media
> That just shows the options "Ask what to do", "Do Nothing", "Open
> Folder" and "Movie Player". There is no way to specify *which* movie
> player.
> How to I tell Hardy which movie player to use?
> Regards, K.

For mine I have gxine... I _think_ that I'd selected "Ask what to do"
and then opened a DVD & selected gxine as the player. Can't recall
exactly; I'll see if I can figure it out a bit later... currently
BBQ'ing salmon & trying to update my son's laptop at the same time -
hopefully I won't burn either one :-)

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