upgrading Gutsy to Hardy failed

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Sun Nov 30 23:05:04 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic schreef:
> On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 13:49 +0100, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>> I just tried to upgrade a Gutsy distribution I have to Hardy but it 
>> fails with as last line:
>> "2008-11-30 13:34:12,225 ERROR Dist-upgrade 
> What steps did you perform in order to upgrade?
Mario, thanks for the quick reply. However, I had to work (I'm a 
musician) and just got back.
First, it's an AMD 64-bit system. I started update manager which showed 
me an extra banner with the message that I could upgrade to Hardy if I 
clicked on the button. That's what I did. Thereafter the process ran 
automatic until it came with the message that it had encountered an 
unrecoverable error and I had to look in the log for dist-upgrade.
The curious thing is that it did not indicate which packages were broken.
I can of course publish the logfiles somewhere but I don't know if the 
information is very useful.
Hope you - or somebody else too - can help me out.
For the record: tomorrow I will be busy until the end of the afternoon 
(local time =GMT +1).

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