Help - Adding size to a document? More security

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Sun Nov 30 18:02:16 UTC 2008

Carlos Carrero Gutierrez wrote:
> The backup are in a Hard drive apart, and they are stealthed by the
> software that i am using for doing backups :).

How is the backup "stealthed"? I mean, if your system is infected by 
something and you back it up then realize you're infected with something 
and restore from the backup, you're re-infecting yourself. Trojans and 
other worms/malware don't waste time worrying about backups. Backing up 
a damaged/infected system is something that happens as a matter of 
course. The only way to "combat" it is to have backups spanning several 
cycles back, so you can go back to a point before the infection point.

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