Where is new libpfm3.6 ?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Nov 30 11:26:31 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 16:33 +0530, Chaman Singh Verma wrote:
> I thought only the last sentence was a question. Perhaps I didn't
> understand your questions properly.

MV> "Why, what is in this version that the Ubuntu version does not

No problem really, thanks for coming back. I just wanted to make sure
that you really need the newer version. If the new version has features
or bugfixes that you depend on, then by all means compile the new

However, quite often similar questions pop up on the list, along the
lines of "package in Ubuntu has old version number, how do I compile new
version?", and frequently they come from newcomers to Debian-based
systems who try to compile newer versions in order to close perceived
security issues. They do this because they don't realize that security
fixes are being *backported* to the older version in Ubuntu, and that
the upstream version number of the Ubuntu package is not changed.

So, I was just trying to save you time. Make sure that your *really
need* the newer version. (Oh, and if you manage to compile it, use
checkinstall instead of "make install". Makes it much easier to manage).

For the compile error of an upstream version that is not even included
in Ubuntu, the libpfm mailing list (and archives) is probably a better
place to ask than here.

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