Where is new libpfm3.6 ?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Nov 30 07:57:31 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-11-30 at 09:56 +0530, Chaman Singh Verma wrote:
> Hello,
> It seems that  Synaptic Package Manager provide libpfm3-3.2 which is
> an older version and I 
> am looking for libpfm3.6.

That's how it is, at least with binary linux distros. You get the
version that is in the repository. 
> I tried to downloaded libpfm3.6 from sourceforge,

Why, what is in this version that the Ubuntu version does not have?
(Note that the Debian way (and therefore the Ubuntu way) is that
security fixes are backported to the older upstream version without
incrementing upstream's version number (instead, an additional UBuntu
version number is tagged on at the end))

> but couldn't compiler with the latest g++ 
> compiler. 

What errors?

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