Ubuntu minimal install - internet connection problems.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 11:27:50 UTC 2008

Dear Brian

Thanks for your quick and practical reply. Just one question remains. See below.

2008/11/27 Brian McKee <brian.mckee at gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 4:31 PM, Bas Roufs <basroufs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A third option would be to completely manually give in all the
>> relevant codes for the internet connection: DHCP, IP Adress, Subnet
>> Mask, etc. How can I discover such codes?
> A cheap hack (since this is a one time thing) would be to boot the
> knoppix disc (since it works) and note the IP address, subnet mask and
> DNS information (from /etc/resolv.conf).  Just mark that down, ....

This sounds clear and logic. I will give it a try accordingly.

> ... Then start the minimal install cd and tell it manual not DHCP and give it
> all the info you collected from the knoppix disk.

Here comes my remaining question. It is crystal clear to me that I
need to manually give in the IP Address, subnet mask, DNS information,
etc. But do I also need to give in some DHCP code?
Thanks, Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M. +31.6.446.835.10
T. +31.30.785.20.40
BasRoufs at gmail.com

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